Clitheroe Methodist Circuit



Come and join us for 'Elevenses' every Monday between 10.30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

It is an opportunity for everyone to get together for a coffee / tea and toast, meet people and enjoy a lovely friendly atmosphere where everyone can relax and socialise. 
It is so enlightening, we learn so much more about each other, the things we enjoy and have in Elevensescommon. We average about 30 people every week and the room 'buzzes'! Discussions range from hobbies and interests to poems, pets and holidays.
 When needed, we offer a listening ear to those upset or who are going through a difficult time.

For everyone at the Elevenses, our regular people and those making the tea, coffee and toast, it is a sharing, caring time and we are always happy to welcome new people.

And join us a little earlier for Working on Wellness.

Working on Wellness

A good way to start the week. Feel energised, supple, more positive and with that ‘feel good’ feeling!

Working on Wellness 

Every Monday 10.40am until 11.00am



Whalley Little Fishes and Whalley Tiddlers

Little FishesTiddlers logo

We have two weekly groups for babies and toddlers.  Little Fishes meets on Tuesday mornings and Tiddlers on Thursday mornings in term times.  Click the links above for more information.

Families at Four is our contemporary worship service on alternate Sundays at 4pm. All welcome. Please see the circuit plan for the dates.
