Clitheroe Methodist Circuit

Chatburn Methodist Church

 Worship on Wednesdays 10.30am

We hold a Wednesday morning service which is led by Rev Ian Humphreys or a Local Preacher. The intimacy of the worship space at Chatburn and the modern, welcoming atmosphere have made this a popular way for people to find spiritual nourishment and refreshment in the middle of the week. 

Coffee is served after the service when many stop for a chat.  

Chatburn Church 

Joyful NoiseAn evening of hymn singing. 

Monday evenings, fortnightly - alternating venues with Christ Church Chatburn.  All welcome.

Follow Chatburn Methodist Church on their Facebook Page: @ChatburnMethodist

Room Bookings.  For enquires contact Roy Porter on 01200 441690

Chatburn Church OutsideChatburn Church 2

2 Pendle Ave, Chatburn, Clitheroe BB7 4AX

For more information please email us or visit our Facebook page @ChatburnMethodist