Clitheroe Methodist Circuit

What's on

Sunday Services

Take place every Sunday at 10:30am. See the current circuit plan on the main circuit homepage for more information.

Coffee morningSpecial Coffee morning 21st September 2024

Soup Lunch

Soup Lunch

We hold a Soup Lunch every first Tuesday of the month. There is always a choice of two or three homemade soups and a selection of wonderful homemade cakes! Suggested donation £3.50. Do come along and enjoy the company, from 12 Midday to 1.15 p.m.

Women's Institute

The Waddington branch of the Women's Institute meets every second Tuesday monthly from 7.30pm.  See the Women's Institute website for further information.  

In addition, there are meetings in the church hall on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm.  This group is called "Crafternoon", is open to WI members and is varied and creative in its crafts. 

Waddington Waddlers


Waddlers is our parent and toddler group which meets every Friday (term time only) in the Church Hall from 9.15am to 11am.  Find us on Facebook (Waddington Waddlers)